The Deng Lab
Latest news
Publication in EMBO Reports
Our paper on the consequences of maternal type 1 diabetes on the germline and uterine environment has been published in EMBO Reports. Congratulations to Allan Zhao and all co-authors! Read the paper here.
We were also highlighted on the KI news [ English | Swedish ].
Publication in Human Reproduction Update
Our meta-analysis of single-cell RNA-sequencing in human placenta also came out! Congrats to Emilie Derisoud and Hong Jiang for putting together this great resource! Read the paper here

Welcome to Master Students!
We extend a warm welcome to the following master students:
- Victoria Güsgen from University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Valentina Clio Zingerle from our Master's Programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology at KI
- Luohua Feng also from our Master's Programme
Diabetesfonden Grant Awarded
Our lab has been awarded a grant from Diabetesfonden
Grant from Barndiabetes Fonden
We are thrilled to announce that our lab has been funded again by Barndiabetes Fonden for our project "Pregnancy complications and developmental programming effects in maternal type 1 diabetes: understanding mechanisms and exploring potential therapy." Link
Congratulations to Hong Jiang!
Hong Jiang has successfully passed her half-time control, bringing her one step closer to obtaining her PhD.
Welcome to Master Student!
We are excited to welcome Denise Parreira to our lab as an Erasmus exchange student from Portugal. She will be working on her master thesis project titled "Investigating maternal-fetal interface in the context of obesity using trophoblast organoids."
Congratulations to Allan on receiving both the DMM Conference Travel Grant and the EMBL travel grants, which support him to attend the exciting EMBL conference on "Developmental metabolism: flows of energy, matter, and information."
Together with the ESV lab, we kick off the summer break and bid farewell to Sanjiv as he embarks on a new scientific journey. He will join the Dept. CLINTEC at KI to work with human embryo development. We wish him all the best and a relaxed and recharging summer to us all!!


Congratulations to Alice for successfully completing her master's degree thesis project in Molecular Medicine in our lab and delivering a fantastic presentation today! The title of her thesis is Molecular link from maternal type I diabetes mellitus to feta! programming and offspring's metabolic dysfunction. We wish her the best of luck as she moves on to the next phase of her academic journey.
We welcome Andrea joining our lab as the postdoc funded by the KI research incubator fellowship. She will lead the research in the field of nanomedicine, focusing on the intervention of placental function and developmental programming!

Half of the lab attended Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes (SRP Diabetes) retreat where several different research groups at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University met to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and explore potential collaborations. We are very proud that our doctoral student Allan Zhao won the prize for the best short talk! Hong, Emilie and Alice also had poster presentations.

Congratulations to all the authors, particularly Sanjiv, Qing, and Congru, on their outstanding work published in Cell Reports Medicine. Well done! Our research is also prominently featured in various news outlets including KI News, Washington Post, and News Medical Lifesciences!

Qing and Hong are enrolled in a KI-UT joint bioinformatics course at The University of Tokyo, Japan. They find the lectures and group tasks inspiring, and are able to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom season at the same time.

We kick off the year with two papers accepted in Cell Reports and Communications Biology. Congratulations to all authors on this fantastic achievement! Let's celebrate with champagne and pizza!

We wrapped up the year 2022 looking back and ahead at our research work and celebrated ourselves with fun activities and Korean hotpot! Merry Christmas to you all!

Big congratulation to Allan on receiving the Carl Tullus award! Read more about this on:

The lab received the KI Research Incubator (KIRI) Fellow postdoc grant 2022. The awarded project aims to expand the use of tailored nanoparticles as drug carriers to deliver them to a dysfunctional placenta providing treatments to improve the child’s metabolic health.
Our whole lab is present at 2nd SFO StratRegen Conference 2022 held on the beautiful archipelago in Stockholm. Four posters are selected and presented by Allan, Qing, Han-pin and Wenteng from the lab.

Big congratulations to Yu, who did a great job on her thesis defense! Best of luck to her future journey!

Yu nailed her thesis today! Big congratulations and look forward to your big day on 9th Sept.

Yu Pei attended 24th European Congress of Endocrinology in Milan and presented her work on a poster!

Allan presented his poster at the SRP Diabetes-EndoMet-MetEndo joint Retreat.

The Committee for Research at KI has launched the KI Research Incubator (KIRI) to strengthen innovative and interdisciplinary research collaboration. Qiaolin Deng has been selected as one of the first 34 members. Exciting science interaction ahead!
Wenteng has received Brigitta Carl-Axel Rybeck's Grant for his postdoc project: "Revealing gene dosage effects on germline specification in Klinefelter syndrome". Congratulations!
Welcome Allan Zhao to join us as a doctoral student. He has just finished the MD program at Karolinska Institutet!

Well done Qing for the impressive half-time seminar! Also big thank you to all the examination committee: Claudia Kutter, Marc Friedländer, and Jan-Bernd Strukenborg!

Our lab just received doctoral funding from Karolinska Institutet (KID) ! Soon we will announce the doctoral position and stay in tune!
We kick off a new semester with Boule competition and yummy dinner! Congrats to the winners!

Our recent review is highlighted by KI news!
Outdoor activities with the ESV lab to play volleyball and kubb, and celebrate the birthday with pizza, wine and the cake. Happy summer holiday to everyone!

Our lab has received the junior grant from the National Strategic Research Area of Stem cells and Regeneration. Thanks for supporting our research!
We welcome new postdoc Veera to join the lab!
In addition to the shared loki server in CMM, we now have our Deng Lab super-computer. Many thanks to Christoph Ziegenhain for his help! Enjoy computing!

Congratulations on Ahmed and Han, who both have received the Brigitta Carl-Axel Rybeck’s Grant!
The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) has awarded the distinguished Consolidator grant to our lab! Thanks for supporting our research!
Qiaolin received the Consolidator Grant from Karolinska Institutet , which is funded by the central research board to support distinguished researchers at KI.
Our lab members and colleagues put their problem-solving skills to the test during a challenging escape room experience!

Our lab went kayaking!

Congrats on Yu passing the half-time of her doctoral study! A half way to go!

Qing luo is addmitted into The Swedish National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics.
Qiaolin Deng has received a research grant from Birgitta and Carl-Axel Rydbeck’s donation for pediatric research.
We have moved to Biommedicum and celebrated it with lab warming fika with our wonderful neighbors!

Han wins both the first and second prizes at the CMM Photo Contest 2019!

Feel very honored and grateful to be one of 2019 Wallenberg Academy Fellows!

Our paper got published in Nature Medicine as the cover story! Big congratulations to Sanjiv and Yu! It has been a pleasure working with everyone in Stener-victorin's lab on this project!

Lab Retreat 2019
Science and Art Salon in Fotografiska.